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Writer's pictureRobin Main


Antiochus and the martyrdom of the woman with seven sons. One of an unidentified series of 17th century Bible prints, apparently published by Pierre Mariette, Paris.

Even though Judah Maccabee and his father Mattisyahu are the most famous figures in the Hanukkah story, another Hanukkah heroine appears in the Second Book of Maccabees. Her name was Chanah (Hannah). She had seven sons. The martyrdom of Chana and her seven sons occupies a prominent place in the story of Hanukkah. It has inspired generations.


Standing for the Name (YHVH) come-what-may takes it to the extreme in this true story. I have avoided writing about the gruesome details but now it’s time. Proceed with caution because we will be recounting some dark parts of Hanukkah history related to the Antichrist, which is a picture for us today.


Some background for Chanah’s story is the Antichrist of their day – Antiochus Epiphanes IV – had appointed Phillip governor of Judea and had order him to execute his harsh programs, which included: “Whoever will acquiesce to my command, bow to my image, eat pig’s meat, and reject the religion of Moses’ Torah will live; whoever refuses shall be killed without pity.”


Phillip wasted no time trying to break the back of God’s people faith-filled tenaciousness. He chose a respected sage and elder Elazar the Kohen (priest). Phillip ordered Elazar to prostrate himself before the king’s image and eat of the pig sacrifice in Antiochus’ honor. Elazar refused, clinging to the One True God. He chose the martyr’s death rather desecrate the Name.


Thwarted, frustrated, and angry, Phillip raised the stakes for a greater chance of success. He arrested Chanah and her seven sons. Although Antiochus IV was on his way to Syrian Antioch, he wasn’t far from Jerusalem, so the Hanukkah Antichrist decided to personally participate in the execution of His decrees.


Chanah and her seven sons were brought before Antiochus Epiphanes IV. The eldest son was singled out first. Due to dealing with youngsters, the Antichrist felt he could win them over with flattery and bribes. Antiochus conversed with Chanah’s eldest son at length to entice him to break God’s covenant and Torah. The eldest responded: “Why do you trouble yourself with long conversations, to speak of and teach us the religions of your abominations? Our forefathers have already taught us God’s Torah. We stand ready to ascend to God, for we welcome death for the sake of God and his Torah (Word). So we have promised our forefathers! Why need you speak more? Dispatch us speedily to HASHEM (YHVH) our God – kill us!” Hearing his words, the Hanukkah Antichrist flew in a rage. He ordered an iron frying pan to be brought and put on the fire. He commanded that his servant cut off the boy’s tongue, hands, and feet, flay the skin of his head, and place everything upon the flaming hot frying pan while his brothers and mother were forced to watch. Still alive, the eldest son was put in a copper pot over burning coals. As he was about to die, Antiochus commanded Phillip to remove the fire from under the pot so the boy would not die rapidly, hoping to terrify and intimidate Chanah and her remaining six sons.


After the first son died, Chanah’s second son was brought before the king’s shook nobles and servants where they pleaded with him: “We beseech you – obey the king’s directive! Why must you die with great suffering as your brother died?” Chanah’s second son was not persuaded, telling all: “Hurry with your fire and sword and do your will with me – do not omit anything that you inflicted on my brother! I am not inferior to him in devotion, pureness of soul, and fear of God.” Thereupon, Antiochus told his men to do the same as they did with Chanah’s first son as Chanah and her remaining five sons were forced to watch.


Then, the third brother was brought to King Antiochus. As the king turned to look at him, the boy faced the Hanukkah Antichrist and proclaimed: “Woe to you, wicked foe! Why do you seek to intimidate me? It is to no avail; we fear not, nor are our hearts anxious, for we know that God’s will is to atone through us for this nation, Israel. From Heaven this has come upon us, from their this punishment has reached us; we accept it all with love. But as for you, you are disgraced and despicable in our eyes, and all your tortures and punishment are nought to us. From our God we look forward to honor and kindness; He will reward us for our deeds, and you will be wretched!” The king and his nobles were flabbergasted at his spirit. Then, they murdered him in the same way.


Next, the fourth son of Chanah was brought before the Hanukkah Antichrist: The fourth brave soul publicly declared before being cruelly murdered like his brothers that went before him: “Do not say anything to me, you vicious person. Your plans will not avail you, O lawless one. do not bore me with your conversations but do as you wish with my body. My soul will ascend to God my Savior; we shall die for God’s Torah. God will return to resurrect us and we shall arise before Him. But for you there will be no resurrection or life.”


The fifth son followed, prophesying: “Do not suppose that God has handed us over to you to exalt you, or that you are deserving of honor. Nor is it because He hates us that He wants us to stand in judgment before you on this day. Rather, it is because He loves us that He has granted us this honor. As for you – in vain do you think that through your cruelty you can make us believe in your pagan deity. To the contrary, your name and your progeny will be wiped off the earth, for God’s wrath and his vengeance will be kindled against you and your household. It is true that God is angry with us, and has incited you to do whatever you are about to do to us, but He will wreak vengeance upon you and your progeny.” Then, he was killed as ruthlessly as the others.


Chanah sixth son testified: “We are aware of our wickedness and the sins of our forefathers, for we have sinned against God. Now, since God is content to let our death atone for the nation, we go to our death. But you, who dare to perpetrate such punishment upon the servants of God and to wage war against Him – He will wage war upon you and uproot you from the land of the living.” Then, he was dismembered, like his previous brothers, and thrown in the hot frying pan and copper pot.


Finally, it was Chanah’s seventh son turn who was only a small child. Chanah stood courageously over her slain children – over their limbs which lay strewn around the ground – and pronounced: “My children, O my children! I do not know how you entered my innards. I did not fashion your bodies in my womb, nor did I bequeath life and soul to you. I did not raise or exalt you. Rather, HASHEM, the God of Israel, created you He built your frame, He wove your veins, He grew flesh over you, covered it with skin, sprouted hair over it, breathed the breath of life into you, and brought you out into the light of this world and its air. Now! Since you chose to give up your lives foe His Holy Torah [the Word of God], to die a quick death and to depart from a short life, He will return your souls to you, will return breath to you and you shall live.  You shall be saved from the eternal death and will inherit the eternal life, my children, and He will reward you for your deeds. You are fortunate, and fortunate are your parents! May God’s providence be with you as He has been with your forefathers.”


The Hanukkah Antichrist marveled at her courage and strength, as Phillip was crestfallen that a woman and her young sons had triumphed over them. Then, the seventh son was brought before the merciless king. Antiochus implored the little boy: “Do my will and I swear to you I will appoint you as my viceroy; you will reign over my entire kingdom. You will be wealthy with gold and silver and many possessions.” The lad answered: “O you old, foolish king! How can you boast of a false gift? You do not even know what today will bring. How can you propose to foretell the morrow?”


Upon hearing the seventh son, the king threatened the 7-year-old boy with various tortures. The lad retorted: “Hurry – do as you have said. Do not delay. God has made my journey successful, so let me embark upon it.” The king was amazed again at the youngster’s words. He summoned his mom to persuade Chanah to save her only remaining son by doing the Antichrist’s will.


Chanah answered: “Give him to me, I will take him aside at a distance from you. Perhaps I will be able to convince him.” So they gave the lad to his mother and went a distance where she declared the virtues of God, talking at length. Impatient, Chanah’s youngest son says to his mom: “Why do you delay me from going to my martyred brothers? I do not intend to obey the king; I will not listen to him. His words and promises are nothing to me. Rather I will listen and submit only to the Torah of our God…”


Upon returning to the king, Chana declared: “I could not convince him. Again, the Hanukkah’s Antichrist said to the little boy: “Woe, O you silly child! Why do you not take my advice and do my will and not die?”


The boy wouldn’t comply. The king became enraged and ordered that the seventh son be beaten more brutally and severely than his brothers, and then they murdered him too. Then, devout Chanah stood over the seven scattered bodies of her seven sons and lifted her hands to give the Lord praise, proclaiming: “There is none as holy as HASHEM, and none but He is the Savior of the souls trusting in Him.”


After distraught Chanah finished pouring out her supplication to God, some say that she climbed a roof and jumped off. Others say that her soul and spirit departed, and she fell over the bodies of her sons to lay on the earth as living sacrifices with them.


Chanah and her sons’ story is a foreshadowing for end-time believers who will be tested cruelly and brutally by the Antichrist spoken of in First John 2:18,22; First John 4:3; and Second John 1:7. Yeshua told his disciples about these perilous times in Matthew 24. Let us all resolve, like Chanah and her seven sons, to not desecrate God’s Name and stand for Him no matter what. Remember that they can’t kill someone who is already dead (died to their flesh).


Happy Hanukkah!


Give em heaven!!!

Robin Main


SOURCE: The Book of II Maccabees 7-12


Written December 31, 2024 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!

















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