This morning, as I spent time communing with our Beloved, He revealed to me that His miraculous provision of manna came upon the surface of the earth when the Pillar of Fire transformed back into the Pillar of Cloud in the wilderness. It came with the refreshing mist of His glory every day, except for the Sabbath.
Let’s back up a little to review several miracles connected to the gathering of manna. First, manna was collected in the morning before sunrise. Only those alive during the wilderness wanderings can attest to the exact time when the nightly Pillar of Fire turned back into the Pillar of Cloud by day; but I would bet that its transition signaled when to go collect their manna. God’s people had to be closely watching the water and fire signs of His Presence for their sustenance; and they had to be prompt. In spite of the hard substance of the manna, it melted in the sun approximately a half hour after sunrise. The Lord showed me many moons ago that the manna being cushioned between two layers of dew was a miniature reminder of the Golden Ark of the Presence situated in the Holy of Holies. Just as a wooden box was surrounded by two golden boxes in the Ark of the Covenant, so was the bread from heaven – manna – surrounded by two layers of the dew of the morning.
The name “manna” is said to have originated with the question: “What is it?” (Exodus 16:15). It was said to be like white coriander seed and tasted like honey (Exodus 16:31). Manna descended for forty years in the wilderness until the Israelites arrived in Gilgal on the 14th of Nisan (Joshua 5:10-12). This is when the Children of Israel began to eat the grain grown in that area. To preserve the memory of the miraculous manna, Aaron was told to put one omer of manna in a vessel and lay it before the Ark of His Presence (Exodus 16:32-34). How significant that the Bread from Heaven was laid before the Ark of the Covenant as a testimony. It was an awesome preview of a more awe-inspiring coming attraction.
The Children of Israel were instructed to gather exactly one omer of manna for every person, which is equivalent to the volume of 43.2 eggs (Exodus 16:16). On Friday morning, they had to collect twice the amount of manna, because the sustaining manna could not be found on the earth during His Seventh Day Sabbath (Exodus 16:22). God’s people were instructed to eat their daily manna bread the day that they gathered it, else they would have a rotten, worm-infested mess to deal with (Exodus 16:20). However, the double portion of manna gathered on Friday, remained supernaturally fresh for His Sabbath, as a sign and a wonder pointing to the Lord of the Sabbath – Messiah Yeshua: “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread also which I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh” (John 6:51 NASB). Never ever forget that Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is our Sabbath Rest, and we are His.
We can see the Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit working together to provide the life-giving sustenance of the manna. The Pillar of Fire can be seen as a glorious manifestation of the tongues of fire Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3-4). Our Beautiful Heavenly Father spoke to Moses out of the Pillar of Cloud (Exodus 33:9), and Messiah Yeshua was and is the literal Bread of Life that comes down out of heaven (John 6).
Back in May of 2020, I stated “I believe that we are about to witness a mind-blowing, spiritual awakening of the Dwelling Presence of God.” Manna is going to be a key component of it. Please refer to https://sapphirethroneministries.wordpress.com/2020/05/26/dwelling-presence-pentecost-enoch/ and https://sapphirethroneministries.wordpress.com/2017/04/19/manna-redeemed-substance-of-the-firmament/.
Therefore, let us join the Cloud of His Presence where there is fullness of joy and peace. Let us be one with the cloud. Let us become inter-dimensional. Let us be one with His cloud that overshadows the earth with the heart of the Father. It’s a blanket of ONE. It’s a covering of LOVE. It’s a layer of His precious blood. Let the One Love (of The Blood) be a blanket expression of the Father’s Love. It’s a new day! Come into the new frequency and sounds of the Golden Ark of His Presence. Within is the gateway to the Bread of Life. Drop down golden dust of manna. Drop down righteousness. See the gold dust turn to diamonds… a spirit of innocence, expectancy, and delight. Receive. Receive your golden new nature of transformation. See your DNA turn gold. There’s a new wind blowing through the Ark… a wind that applies His Word. The Golden Ark of His Presence itself transforms. Instead of releasing gold dust from the yellow golden Ark, His Ark starts rotating with a bridal veil where the falling gold dust used to be. Walk through the bridal veil. It’s a mystery. Selah. For behold, through the bridal veil hanging from His Golden Ark of His Presence is a new entrance into His golden mountain. Arise. Go within the Holy of Holies into the Golden Ark of His Presence. Let YHVH bust open everything that confines. Be transformed and let it rain golden manna dust wherever you go!
Shalom and Happy Feast of Tabernacles!
Give em heaven!!!
Robin Main
Written September 23, 2021 – Sapphire Throne Ministries – Robin Main. Copyrighted – If you are going to copy this, please copy it right by giving attributions to this source. Blessings!
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